Interview with Putra Nababan


1. Bagaimana pemahaman arti ide menurut bapak?
2. Bagaimana pemahaman arti konsep menurut bapak?
3. Bagaimana cara atau strategi bapak untuk mewujudkan dan konsep di dalam setiap karya – karya bapak?
4. Bagaimanakah ukuran suatu ide dan konsep di anggap bernilai baik, dilihat dari idealism dan bisnis?
5. Bagaimanakah pendapat bapak tentang dunia ide dalam industri kreatif ( dunia penciptaan ) di Indonesia?
6. Bagaimanakah pendapat bapak tentang jurnalis?
7. Dari mana awal bapak ingin menjadi seorang jurnalis?
8. Bagaimanakah perasaan bapak saat mewawancarai presiden Amerika Serikat (Obama)?
9. Pengalaman bapak dari awal merintih karier sebagai jurnalis hingga sekarang, yang paling berkesan dan tidak mudah dilupakan yang mana?
10. Apa visi misi bapak sebagai jurnalis dan news achor?


1. Ide itu datang dari suatu mimpi atau impian untuk melakukan sesuatu yang baik dan sesuatu yang besar serta bertujuan mulia, untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut kita bisa tuangkan demi menuju keinginan kita itu.
2. Konsep itu lebih kepada bagaimana kita mengimplomentasikannya menjadi terencana dengan baik, sehingga ketika kita menjalankannya tidak meleset jauh dari apa yang sudah kita rencanakan.
3. Memang tidak mudah, karena antara konsep dengan kenyataan sering kali ada jurang atau perbedaan, tapi sebisa mungkin kita konsisten dengan apa yang sudah kita konsepkan. Jadi apapun tantangan dalam improfentasinya kita harus menghadapinya dan kita tetap berada dalam koridor yang sudah kita siapkan.
4. Baiknya itu tergantung dari manfaatnya, bukan tergantung dari konsepnya. Karena ketika kita mengkonsepkan sesuatu kadang – kadang setelah jadi sesuai konsep itu ada manfaatnya, tapi jika ditolak ternyata tidak sesuai dengan konsep atau kepleset dari konsep tapi banyak manfaatnya itu menurut saya jauh lebih baik.
5. Saya rasa dunia ide luar bisa berkembang dengan baik dalam dunia kreatif terutama, tapi kan ide – ide ini harus berbasis pada kepentingan yang lebih luas jangan hanya ide semata yang penting, ide ini tujuannya apa. Ide boleh banyak tapi manfaatnya apa? Dampaknya apa? Itu yang lebih penting sebenarnya.
6. Jurnalis adalah orang yang memang mengajak orang lain berfikir. Kita, kami ini adalah orang – orang yang senang mengajak orang berfikir, orang yang harusnya be ride, penuh ide, penuh gagasan bisa mengajak orang lain atau masyarakatnya untuk berfikir menjadi terang untuk masyarakatnya menjadi koreksi buat social atau pemerintah sehingga kalangan jurnalis yang betul – betul mengayumi dan bisa membuat masyarakat lebih cerdas.
7. Saya aslinya anak wartawan, dan saya tentunya “ buah tidak jauh dari pohonnya” ya, saya ingin mengikuti jejak ayah saya, ketika melihat ayah saya sebagai wartawan.
8. Saya rasa wawancara dengan Obama sangat special, karena ia presiden Amerika Serikat yang sangat berkuasa yang berkulit hitam dan pernah belajar di Indonesia tapi lebih dari itu banyak kepentingan Indonesia yang terkait di Amerika Serikat yang perlu dijelaskan Obama, bukan sekedar nostalgianya saja. Jadi saya rasa perasaan saya sangat senang dan itu wawancara yang cukup penting untuk dilakukan.
9. Yang penting berkesan, ketika karya jurnalis kita itu bisa membawai perubahan baik di Indonesia, tidak neko – neko, tidak muluk – muluk. Jika apa yang kita buat setiap hari itu ada dampaknya di masyarakat atau pemerintah itu yang lebih berkesan.
10. Sebagai jurnalis dan news achor, saya rasa visi dan misi jurnalis yang seharusnya berefek dan ngaruh disekitar kita. Jika apa yang kita lakukan dan perintahkan tidak ngaruh buat masyarakat kita atau pemirsa kita, udah gagal tugas kita itu sebagai jurnalis.


Kesimpulan hasil wawancara saya kepada Putra Nababan sangat senang, karena saya merasa Putra Nababan adalah orang yang mempunyai jabatan tertinggi dalam dunia entertainment terutama dalam news ( berita ).
Isi jawaban yang diberikan kepada Putra Nababan sangatlah penting bagi kita yang baru yang ingin masuk ke dunia entertainment, agar dapat bisa belajar dari bawah hingga berhasil untuk menggapai suatu impian yang kita impikan.

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Anang & Syahrini – don’t choosed me

Anang Hermansyah known as a musician and music workers, besides known as the husband of famous pop singer Kris Kristofferson. Men born in Jember, East Java, March 18, 1969, has created a song, whether sung by themselves or others.

Since high school in Jember, East Java, Anand has been incorporated in a band. But her new music seriously while in college at Bandung Islamic University by joining the studio owned by “Doel Donate”. Anand even had time to make a recording with Donates Doel, though ultimately not published.

In 1989, Sam decided to move to Jakarta and met with Pay Siburian, BIP guitarist who was then still strengthen Slank. Through Pay, Anand went in the social environment and then reinforce Potlot Gang Kidnap group. Together Kidnap, Anand album spawned Katrina in 1993.

After the release of Kidnap, Anand decided to menempuha solo route and released the album, including “Let Me”, “Off”, “Float” and “Tania”. Together with his wife, Kris Kristofferson, Sam released the album “meant Yourself”, “Love”, “Baby” and “Makin Love”.

In addition to singing success, Sam is also a songwriter, and producer aranjer for several singers, including to the wife, Kris Kristofferson, while managing the Green Studio, his own recording studio. Anand also successfully held a concert “3 Divas”, involving his wife, Kris Kristofferson, and Titi DJ and Ruth.
Not only in the art world of drag votes, Anand also expanded its role in the art world with the producer of a film titled “The trouble So the Virgin”. The film is supported by Restu Sinaga, Nova Eliza, Al Fathir Muchtar, Olga Syahputra, Tio Pakusadewo, Julia Perez, Emmie Lemu.
Anand shared a number of famous musicians, such as Indra Lesmana, Servant of the State, and Triawan Munaf, joined forces to establish music portal. Portal was named IM: port (Independent Music Portal). IM: port aims to provide an opportunity for all musicians, new and senior, to ‘sell’ their work more easily than through the procedures as the label it says’ quite complicated. ”

Anand is married to Kris Kristofferson on August 22, 1996. From the marriage they had 2 children, Titania Aurelie Nurhermansyah (born in 1998) used to be called Aurel or Loli and Azriel Akbar Hermansyah (born in 2000) used to be called or Jiel Azriel. Since the beginning of their marriage is often hit by gossip. Yet 13 years has passed, the couple finally divorced in August 2009.

After the divorce, Sam is active in the music world back home. Mid-September 2009, he released his newest album, Sam. In the self title album contains 6 songs, Half Of My Soul Away, Learn To Love, Crying In The Rain, Sick, When Love Sin, and Life Is Secret.
Syahrini artist owner of a beautiful voice and the body of this section who does not know him .. syahrini famous for its bold appearance and may be practically half the open-aperture yes (may be seen in the photo later ….) ..

Syahrini newcomer known as a singer, although classified as a new singer,, the artist who was born in Bogor, August 1, 1982 is always brave to look sexy on stage, with sound spoiled and seductive allure syahrini it out .. in the production of his new album Trinity Productions My lovely song, Love’s eyes, and lie became flagship ..

Many have said that syahrini for his stage act is similar to co … seprofesinya the aura may be seen from the appearance of a sexy and spoiled with a vowel, a sigh that made the hallmark of self-naughty girl singer .. but for me it is still valid – valid only as long as not violating pornography laws … heheheh

Full Name: Syahrini
Nickname: Syahrini
TTL: Bogor, August 1, 1982
Children Go to: 2 of 3 brothers
Religion: Islam
Last Education: University legal scholar Pakuan Bogor


* OST. Cintapuccino
* My Lovely

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sherina – you go

Surely you are all familiar with the figure of a beautiful girl on this one, Sherina Munaf name:) this time my profile Sherina Munaf will review on a happy occasion for all the fans of former child actress who is known for his film’s chase the sun.

Name: Sinna Sherina Munaf
Born: Bandung, June 11, 1990
Height: 154 cm
Address: Metro Alam II / PF12-32, Pondok Indah, Jakarta 12310, Indonesia
School now: SDI Harapan Ibu [Pondok Indah, Jakarta], 6th class
Parents: Triawan Munaf [dad] & Luki Arias [mom]
Profile Sherina Munaf

Sherina Munaf who Brojol in Bandung on June 11, 1990. Before entering the world of recording, Sherina has won several singing competitions. Sherwood also studied singing at the Community Art Voice (Biss) Elfa upbringing and Uci Nurul (personnel Elfa’s Singer).
Seeing some of the achievements achieved that, the father (Triawan Munaf, a former personnel Giant Step) wishes to make an album for her daughter. He also directly contact Elfa Secoria to help fulfill his desire. The desire was also intercepted by chance Elfa want to create original music that good kids.

In early May 1999 was finally completed their debut album also Sherwood, Great’ll Love was released. This album is very unique and different than the album, mostly because Sherwood kids singing accompanied by an orchestra.

It did not take long, Sherina name was soaring. He had starred in a movie titled The Adventures of Shrek and gave birth to the film’s soundtrack album before deciding to leave and concentrate on education.

Sherwood ago back in 2008 with his first adult album, entitled Prima Donna. Short-haired girl who now had also contributed one song on the album soundtrack film Laskar Pelangi.

And in 2009 it returned the former child actress was instituted his solo album titled Gemini which was quite successful in the market you know the country song:)

Ok so first writing this time, hopefully can be useful for all the fans Sherina Munaf all over the world:) hahahaa I think really famous! Greetings success for all:)

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Gamal Audrey Cantika – Just wanted to drop out

Gamal – Audrey – Cantika:)
The song hits the reply was they bring, make me bener bener ngefans deeh .. never been bored listen to songs they want to break up pot bring:)
This story of their beginnings: the artist spelled Youtube because the three teenagers who each have a full Gamaliel Tapiheru, Audrey Tapiheru and Cantika Abigail has made a major label Sony Music fascinated with the action when the trio appeared on youtube video.

How could the story towed Sony? Cantika explain chronological.

“I do not know them previously (Gamal and Audrey). I see them on Youtube. I see they sang really good, then I see another video. I said to the manager, try to check the video deh these kids really good. Pas manager I look interested. I immediately contact Gamal is on Facebook, “said Cantika with Gamal and Audrey met at the office of Sony Music Legal, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (10/12/2010).

At first it two brothers Gamal and Audrey was the one who makes a scene in the Youtube community. They sang the song Break Your Heart (Taio Cruz), Lucky (Jason Mraz), Poker Face (Lady Gaga), and the most widely viewed that is when they sing the song of Lady Gaga Telephone many as 870,524 spectators.

Only with guitars, they both can bring it with good. Yet according to Gamal, she and her sister Audrey was never hone vocal seriously.

“We’ve les drowsy vocals. This is from the family and the environment just like the church for example, “Gamal said. “Anyway we are happy to listen to music and sing-sing at home baseball so obvious. So, when it decided to make Youtube trouble at school again ngetrend, Philippines dam in America make the cover of the song that good but the singing ordinary people, “he continued.

Under the umbrella of Sony Music, is now the third teenager has been producing new work that is single Disconnect Only, which will be released this October.

“Pop-dance genre. Want to give the music colors Indonesia. So far it melow-melow, melow Malay. We young people want something new. Gini-gini Cook continues, very bored! “Says Gamal. (Tom) (UKy)
Okee, this part of their profile which I Collect the hard-payaaah:
1. * Name: Gamaliel Tapiheru
* Date of Birth: October 9
* University: University Multimedia Nusantara ’09
* Age: 19 Years
* My Space:
* Facebook:
* Twitter:
* Youtube:
gantengnyaaaaaaaa: 3
2. * Name: Audrey Tapiheru
* Address: Lippo Village – Tangerang
* Twitter:
* Friendster:
* My Space:
* Gamaliel & Audreys Fans:

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Gita Gutawa & Derby Romero – Love Never Wrong

Gita happy to sing her nickname since grade 2 up to vote soprannya gita chanting songs – songs were classic pop genre with its high pitch. Before launching the album Gita gutawa famous while singing a duet with any band in the song “the best for you”. After that career gutawa gita gita increased not only sing gutawa also skilled in acting terbuktin with the soap opera playing gita gutawa teach me how to love, teach me love 2, and in several other TV dramas.

Full Name: Aluna Sagita Velasquez
Nickname: Gita Gutawa
TTL: Jakarta, 11 August 1993
Religion: Islam
Name of Father: Erwin Gutawa
Name of Mother: Lotfi Andrews
Last Education: Kindergarten Bhakti Mulya Jakarta, SD Bhakti Mulya, SMP Al-Izhar
Zodiac: Leo
Hobbies: reading, singing, acting, learning, playing, looking for friends
Favorite Book: Great Guinness Record of History, Harry Potter, Heaven of love
Favorite Music: There is a band, Muse, jazz
Favorite movie: Teach me love, Mr.boy, My Frist Kiss, Sissy World Beyond Tipping

-Soap opera / FTV-
Teach Me Love
Teach Me Love Again
Teach me to love someone of his heart


* Indomie (2007-2008)
* Corned So Good (2007)
* Sausage So Good (2007)
* Bank Bukopin (2008)
* Conello Walls Ice Cream (2008)
* Perfume She (2008)


* Fashion Show Winner race Mercantile Hotel, Jakarta
Star Kindergarten Classes * Bakti Mulya 400, Jakarta


* Second Place Casual Clothing Children Enchantment Indonesia, Ancol – Jakarta
* Winner of the race I read the prayers of TK Bhakti Mulya, Jakarta
* Second Place dance contest “Mother’s Day”, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah


* Coloring contest winner “Independence Day”, Cinere Jakarta
* Second Place freestyle swimming competition, Cilandak Sport Center
* Second Runner Coloring pictures sejabotabek, Jakarta


* Second Place race ‘Little Abang None Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta
* Second Place Kindergarten Karaoke contest, Bakti Mulya 400 Jakarta


* National Dress Competition Second Place Elementary School, Bakti Mulya 400, Jakarta


* Third Place Drawing Competition Field Trips, P & K Jakarta
* Ranking of Mathematics ‘Kumon’, the Grand Melia, Jakarta


* Ranking of Mathematics ‘Kumon’, JCC – Jakarta


* Winner Contest “Science” Doctor Rabbit, Jakarta

2000 to 2004

* Star Class Winner SD Bakti Mulya 400


* Little Doctor Award Elementary Level, Kebayoran Baru – Jakarta
* Third Place Elementary Level Choir Competition JABOTABEK se
* 30 Great Finalists “Children Gemilang Indonesia” (the selection of children achieving the national level), organized by NutriSari
* Winner of SD Bakti Mulya 400
* Winner DKI trio vocal level, the works of Mr. Mahmoud AT


* Nomination 9th AMI Award 2005 for category Duo / Collaboration / Group for the song “The best for you” duet album CLAIRE Heaven of Love
* 17 Hits Maker 2005 Seventeen Magazine


* Selected as soloist national song warning the seconds proclamation of independence of Indonesia at the State Palace, 17 August 2006 attended by the father of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, the father of vice-president Yusuf Kalla and the ambassadors of friendly countries besar2


* Sales of the album is more than 150 thousand copies.
* Platinum Award Sony BMG Music Entertainment Indonesia
* Awards SCTV Awards “Singer Ngetop”
* Solis Best Girl and Best Newcomer at the Polls Music Magazine HAI HAI 2007


* The grand prize (overall winner across all categories) at the 6th International Nile Children Song Festival (INCSF) in Cairo, Egypt, January 29 – February 3, 2008
* Guest star one music festival in Italy
* Singer Award Best Newcomer and Best Album Award 2008 AMI, 15 April 2008
* Awards New Kids On The Block of Rolling Stone magazine
* Award Favorite Pop Solo SCTV Music Award 2008, May 23, 2008
* Award favorite Pop Album SCTV Music Award in May 2008 2008.23
* 1 of 10 artists from all ages of the prettiest in Indonesia, Pond’s Beauty Competition 2008
* Best Graduates SMP Al-Izhar Pondok Labu Jakarta
* Award of young and talented artist! Nsert, Agusutus 2008
* Award of 2008’s brightest artists of espresso
* The youngest singer or musician at a concert of The Spirit of Ramadan, 9 September 2008
* School class 2008 class 10 Bina Nusantara School Simprug

Gitta gutawa in this song with a duet for sontrak derby movie they both starred.

Gita happy to sing her nickname since grade 2 up to vote soprannya gita chanting songs – songs were classic pop genre with its high pitch. Before launching the album Gita gutawa famous while singing a duet with any band in the song “the best for you”. After that career gutawa gita gita increased not only sing gutawa also skilled in acting terbuktin with the soap opera playing gita gutawa teach me how to love, teach me love 2, and in several other TV dramas.

Full Name: Aluna Sagita Velasquez
Nickname: Gita Gutawa
TTL: Jakarta, 11 August 1993
Religion: Islam
Name of Father: Erwin Gutawa
Name of Mother: Lotfi Andrews
Last Education: Kindergarten Bhakti Mulya Jakarta, SD Bhakti Mulya, SMP Al-Izhar
Zodiac: Leo
Hobbies: reading, singing, acting, learning, playing, looking for friends
Favorite Book: Great Guinness Record of History, Harry Potter, Heaven of love
Favorite Music: There is a band, Muse, jazz
Favorite movie: Teach me love, Mr.boy, My Frist Kiss, Sissy World Beyond Tipping

-Soap opera / FTV-
Teach Me Love
Teach Me Love Again
Teach me to love someone of his heart


* Indomie (2007-2008)
* Corned So Good (2007)
* Sausage So Good (2007)
* Bank Bukopin (2008)
* Conello Walls Ice Cream (2008)
* Perfume She (2008)


* Fashion Show Winner race Mercantile Hotel, Jakarta
Star Kindergarten Classes * Bakti Mulya 400, Jakarta


* Second Place Casual Clothing Children Enchantment Indonesia, Ancol – Jakarta
* Winner of the race I read the prayers of TK Bhakti Mulya, Jakarta
* Second Place dance contest “Mother’s Day”, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah


* Coloring contest winner “Independence Day”, Cinere Jakarta
* Second Place freestyle swimming competition, Cilandak Sport Center
* Second Runner Coloring pictures sejabotabek, Jakarta


* Second Place race ‘Little Abang None Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta
* Second Place Kindergarten Karaoke contest, Bakti Mulya 400 Jakarta


* National Dress Competition Second Place Elementary School, Bakti Mulya 400, Jakarta


* Third Place Drawing Competition Field Trips, P & K Jakarta
* Ranking of Mathematics ‘Kumon’, the Grand Melia, Jakarta


* Ranking of Mathematics ‘Kumon’, JCC – Jakarta


* Winner Contest “Science” Doctor Rabbit, Jakarta

2000 to 2004

* Star Class Winner SD Bakti Mulya 400


* Little Doctor Award Elementary Level, Kebayoran Baru – Jakarta
* Third Place Elementary Level Choir Competition JABOTABEK se
* 30 Great Finalists “Children Gemilang Indonesia” (the selection of children achieving the national level), organized by NutriSari
* Winner of SD Bakti Mulya 400
* Winner DKI trio vocal level, the works of Mr. Mahmoud AT


* Nomination 9th AMI Award 2005 for category Duo / Collaboration / Group for the song “The best for you” duet album CLAIRE Heaven of Love
* 17 Hits Maker 2005 Seventeen Magazine


* Selected as soloist national song warning the seconds proclamation of independence of Indonesia at the State Palace, 17 August 2006 attended by the father of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, the father of vice-president Yusuf Kalla and the ambassadors of friendly countries besar2


* Sales of the album is more than 150 thousand copies.
* Platinum Award Sony BMG Music Entertainment Indonesia
* Awards SCTV Awards “Singer Ngetop”
* Solis Best Girl and Best Newcomer at the Polls Music Magazine HAI HAI 2007


* The grand prize (overall winner across all categories) at the 6th International Nile Children Song Festival (INCSF) in Cairo, Egypt, January 29 – February 3, 2008
* Guest star one music festival in Italy
* Singer Award Best Newcomer and Best Album Award 2008 AMI, 15 April 2008
* Awards New Kids On The Block of Rolling Stone magazine
* Award Favorite Pop Solo SCTV Music Award 2008, May 23, 2008
* Award favorite Pop Album SCTV Music Award in May 2008 2008.23
* 1 of 10 artists from all ages of the prettiest in Indonesia, Pond’s Beauty Competition 2008
* Best Graduates SMP Al-Izhar Pondok Labu Jakarta
* Award of young and talented artist! Nsert, Agusutus 2008
* Award of 2008’s brightest artists of espresso
* The youngest singer or musician at a concert of The Spirit of Ramadan, 9 September 2008
* School class 2008 class 10 Bina Nusantara School Simprug

Gitta gutawa in this song with a duet for sontrak derby movie they both starred.

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SM*SH – I Heart You

Profile Smash Band Indonesia

Smash Indonesia which means Seven Man As Seven Heroes from Indonesia was in gawangi by 7 people personilanya, namely: Morgan Oey, Rangga Dewamoela S, Rafael, Dick M Prasetya, Reza Anugrah, Ilham Muhammad Fauzi, Bhishma Karisma. (Previously there are 6 people, but the last time an update is an additional 1 person that was last entered.

Boyband Smash Indonesia

It was his impression they just copied the artist-Korean artist, but apart from that they are good, sound is also not so bad. Selection of songs that ngebeat their performance regularly and also not so bad …

But if you want dibandingin ama Smash, a Korean, they are still far bedaaa .. cupu sort really. This nih SMASH Korean.

smash boyband

smash Korean boy band

The first time you watch this video immediately thought, Korean wannabe. Style hosted by each of its personnel, then dance-dance that was done everything else seems to mimic the styles of Korean boy band that was familiar as well as Super Junior.

But they are less able to imitate sepetinya-boyband boyband Korean properly, dance-dance that was performed on the video clip looks less compact, very different from what is indicated by a Korean boyband.

One more thing which concerns me is the problem name. Smash, who read Smash was none other than the name of one of the famous boyband in korea which debuted in 2008.

By naming the same, of course, the more adds a long list of Indonesian bands that make plagiarism of the work of foreign bands. And I think that the emergence of this boyband exploit the market potential boyband fans growing increasingly famous as the Korean boy band in this country, so they use the same style and name to what ever shown by boyband boyband-Korean origin.
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SM * SH – I Heart You: Music Star One, Five Star Gimmick

Posted by dontorro on January 1, 2011 · Leave a Comment

Name search for its own personnel aja lah, I know … lazy nyari

It all started from my current fad open Youtube. Previously, I have heard ranted about a boyband that he was loved by the ABG. They are named Smash. And I was idly looking for their video clips on Youtube.

After I type the name of the group, which emerged it was not the video I was looking for. Then I found out that the letter ‘a’ in their name was censored and replaced with signs bintang.Harusnya ‘Sm * sh’, not ‘Smash’. Ok, it’s my bad.

Somehow the letter ‘a’ it should be censored. Maybe when they’re drafting for potential band names, they use a keyboard that was damaged. Maybe somebody knows why? Please tell me also, yes ..

When I managed to find the video, I was surprised that her video is watched by as many as 549,547 times. It’s not as much as Shinta – Jojo, but it’s a pretty good figure for the size of local video artists. And I’m getting curious. Finally, I was watching it with my own eyes, after previously only read about them on the internet furor.

I found that immediately after pressing the play button is: Six men yesterday afternoon, who danced with choreography while singing lipsync with a contrasting white background. Her dancing style reminds me of the videos Boyzone or Westlife. Style clothes, instantly reminded me of the Tao Sun She cs of a series Meteor Garden. While his music, reminds me of the sang songs commonly played by truck drivers in northern route, but with a slower tempo. And vocal effects are also similar to those commonly used for meremix dangdut songs.

I began to understand why this song could be such a boom. The six men yesterday afternoon and berlipsync dancing in this video have a face-style photographs of models, which would fit the tastes of most young women who had just turned a dozen. Also full of seduction lyric rag that can make any woman who heard it melts.

Why does my heart there you cenat cenut each
Always peluhku drip every near you
Why are you embarrassed every face-to-me
Always ashamed of me every you Blessed me

Why is my tongue-tied each of you call me
Always miss you touch me romaku Tyap
why my brain thinking of frozen Tyap
Always my body limp Tyap you whisper love

You Know me so well
Girl I need U, I love U Girl, Girl I heart U..

That is partly cut lyrics. The lyrics are definitely preferred by women. If I does not care, but instead the head of the so-cenut cenat when I heard their song. Long headache. For real!

Perhaps one of the main factors that allow them to boom is the hormonal reaction of young women who fall in love when I heard the lyrics and see the personnel. Moreover, with a neat haircut like new out of a barbershop. They have more potential to be liked women, compared to most rock musicians who hooked dress up wild and unkempt. In terms of fashion and physical appearance, they clearly won.

And did not rule out some teenage boys who like Sm * sh, for fear her boyfriend would sulk if he does not join in. Like Sm * sh.

In terms of music, Sm * sh is not that good. But they did not need to make good music, because it simply with a good promotional gimmick capital they already have huge potential to be a hype. If appearance is attractive, the music just simply complements. What is important is the ability to dance and vocal processing.

SM*SH – I Heart You: Musik Bintang Satu, Gimmick Bintang Lima

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nikita willy, I keep waiting Simak

Nikita Willy soap operas and film artist was born in Jakarta, 29 June 1994. His face is still fresh and old who was still very young is reaping a lot of admiration from his fans.
Nikita willy began to be known by the general public from acting struck in the soap opera “dime novel”, her nickname nikita disinetron it must compete acting with co-star of Evan Sanders. From there his career nikita willy straight uphill, the popularity has even gotten as evidenced by his two films, starring in 2008 was the “bestfriend?” And “MBA (married by accident).

Full Name: Nikita Willy
Nickname: Nikita Willy
TTL: Jakarta, June 29, 1994
Zodiac: Cancer

Crescent Star
Dime novel
Queen Shame and General Kancil
Si Cecelia
Habibi and Habibah
Boyfriend Options
My Little Bride
FTV Mak matchmakers Love

Bestfriend (2008)
MBA (married by accident) (2008)

Citra Body Lotion
Detergent Total
Holland Bakery
Bank BNI
Bank BII
Chocolate Wafer Rome

The meaning of the song Nikita Willy – Kutetap Waiting tells the persistence and patience are the heart of a woman who hides her feelings to a man. He really loved him, although he that he loves someone else and maybe he’s a great person in the eyes of his idol, he would not surrender to rival him. When she parted from her, she promised and asked to give time for trying to be the best for him. because all his heart there was only him and kept hoping that he belonged to a woman’s right

The man might go and ignored her. However, he would not surrender. He will always try and continue working into believing that she was also able to be the best and not only women who could become the best in his eyes. He made the man as his motivation. He will continue to wait until REALIZE HOW BIG A MAN THAT LOVE THAT HE GIVES. He will be faithful to wait until she finally became a man that he cherished so far.

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pilot – all my life

Pilot Band
The creation of a new band from Indonesia who mengelarkan themselves, Pilot Band. PILOT initially originated from the community of young people who have a love of music. In the early mid-2006 project that was going to be a solo project Erzie (Vocal) turned into a project band. Finally personelpun search started and within 2 months of PILOT was finally formed with the formation Erzie (Vocal), Angi (Keyboard / Guitar), Deva (drums), Poncho (Bass) & Oi Rozano (Lead Guitar). This album has been decided the same titled single will be released is titled All My Life. This song tells of a male who during his lifetime just want to close with her partner. Let’s watch together Band Music Video of the Pilot.

Pilot was a pop rock musical group, formed During 1973 in Edinburgh, Scotland by the former Bay City Rollers members David Paton and Billy Lyall.

Joined by Stuart Tosh and Ian Bairnson, the band’s demos installments Recorded During 1973 and 1974. They were the resource persons signed to a management contract with Nick Heath and Tim Heath, sons of British bandleader Ted Heath, and John Cavanagh. In due course They signed to a worldwide recording deal with EMI Records.
The 1974 single “Magic” from Their first album, produced by Alan Parsons and written by Paton, [1] was a # 11 UK and # 5 U.S. success. It sold over one million copies, and was awarded a gold disc by the RIAA in August 1975. [2] The song “January” Gave Them Their greatest success in the UK, SECURING THE number one spot in the UK Singles Chart in January 1975. However, the group failed to make the Top 30 again. [1] The arranger of “January”, Andrew Powell Went on to record Kate Bush, and both Paton and Bairnson Played on her debut album, The Kick Inside, the which included “Wuthering Heights “. [3]
The band’s other singles chart successes were the resource persons “Call Me Round” and “Just a Smile” (both 1975). [4] By the time 1977 Came around only Paton and Bairnson were the resource persons left from the original foursome, and Theys Recorded Pilot’s final album ( entitled Two’s a Crowd) alone.
By 1978, all of Pilot’s members Had Begun other projects, Notably Tosh, Paton and Bairnson Becoming members of the Alan Parsons Project, and Tosh Also working with 10cc.
Lyall Died of AIDS-related causes in 1989.
Paton and Bairnson reconvened in 2002, to re-record the original Pilot album Two’s a Crowd. The subsequent issue was entitled, Blue Yonder (see below).

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tangga – Second Chance

Stairs is one of the music group from Indonesia. Its members consists of 4 persons namely Tahir Hadiwijoyo alias Tata, Mohammed Kamga (Kamga), Nerra Merlin (Nerra), and Chevrina Anayang (Chevrina). His first album was released in 2005 Appliances.One personnel Desty out in early 2007 and replaced by Chevrina.
Travel career

Before the form as now, Stairs had alternated personnel. Initially they carried the flow of metal hip. But with change of personnel, their music changed, too. Until finally Tata, Kamga, Nerra, and Desty released their debut album titled Staircase (2005), released February 23. This album brings easy listening pop music, in which inserted a sense of music ranging from R & B, rap, to dance.
With the single “Best Of Me” and “Great”, their names immediately dashed. Apparently the collaboration of 4 votes are able to create a harmonious sound. Nerra the melancholy with mezzo vocal pop soprannya give a sweet touch. Desty with a sensual alto vocals improvasi balance it with a distinctive vocal. While Kamga with baritone vocals give the black color in her music. The Tata is energetic and likes music smelling distortion menggawangi rapalan rap with vocal that nge-bass.
Prior to joining serious kitchen stairs and into the recording, they have to pursue various activities. Tata, Nerra, and Desty engaged in the world model and soap opera, while Kamga struggling in the field of sports.
Seeing the success of the first album, Stairs went into the kitchen again preparing for the next album recording. Unfortunately, when the album is 95% complete, even the cover of the album was already finished, and the single “Love Look” was released to radio stations across Indonesia, Desty resigned in early December 2006. After touring the opening brief audition in a number of music schools, they met with an immediate Chevrina replace Desty alto vocals. Once complete this quartet, the newly born Stairs.Recording process as well as mixing is done in quick time since mid-December until the first week of January 2007. The second album was released with a header Love Look. [1]
Like the first album, this album is also not free from gait Harry Budiman, a producer, musician, arranger, as well as vocal director who previously worked on successful albums and Denada Element group. Not only singing, Stairs was also involved in the manufacture of the songs and lyrics that helped Johandi Yahya. Oxygen Through Entertainment, Johandi also acted as artist management.
Stairs also been involved in the process of preparing the Theme Song, for the movie Lost In Love, along with music composer Harry Budiman. [2] The album retains the characteristic ladder always inserts a foreign language in the song. Album OST Lost In Love (2008) is relying on the song “Second Chance”, “O How could”, and “Run Tita Run”, in addition to the three songs that add the lyrics speak French.
“Second Chance” is a song by American hard rock band Shinedown and the second single from their 2008 album, The Sound of Madness. However, the song is not included on the UK release of The Sound of Madness. It was released on 9 September 2008 and has become the single most successful Shinedown.
Ironically the song “who go to all” is one of the band hate it when they first wrote it. [1]
The song has been used in a campaign for a second season of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles and the 2008 WWE Tribute to the Army displayed. In May 2009, “Second Chance” is used in a promo about the return of the character of Michael Corinthos on the ABC daytime drama General Hospital. It was released on DLC as part of the song-pack 3 on Guitar Hero 5.
There are two versions – versions of rock, which is the album version, and versions of pop (especially playing on Sirius XM Radio’s’ adult top 40 of The Pulse-formatted satellite radio channels), which is a remix, although the harder guitar began in the second verse in the song than in the second half of the first paragraph.
Song meanings / Music Video

In Pointfest 22, vocalist Brent Smith told the audience; [2]
“It’s important for you to hear this … When I grew up, everyone was fine with being on the bubble Them. Cold in their circle That’s fine .. But nothing should prevent a person if they have a dream, if they want something more […] The song was hard for me to write lyrics because it was about my mother and my father, and about the day I said goodbye to them, because I have to go try it, and I’m still trying, every day , to be human So, this song is about that. It’s about time you wake up and you decide you want to go to every single dream you want to .. ”
-Brent Smith, Pointfest 22
Official music video for the song premiered on January 8, 2009 on MSN Music. Starting with a teenage girl sitting on a bench at night, and vocalist Brent Smith in the background. This shows that he has a job to help the fishermen. He also has a girlfriend.He dreams of becoming a ballet dancer, and wanted to go to a school dance. She was seen dancing in the garage several times in the music video. However, somewhat dysfunctional family, is shown struggling with his parents all the time. He looks out for his brother, and often took care of him. When he asked his mother permission to go to school one day, she immediately refused, show bills, and screamed at him. The girl was thinking about all the things in life that make her happy, and decides to run away to attend school. He left a note for her parents, and he looked in on her sister fell asleep, before leaving the house. He then went to the bench where the music video starts, bringing music videos to full circle. When his parents read it, it makes them realize that they do not make the best choice in improving themselves, but they have a second chance with her younger brother to do it right.
Lead singer, Brent Smith, is shown singing alone on a hill in the entire video, and the girl is shown dancing in the garage practicing often. At the end of the video, the girl got on the bus, where Brent Smith and other members of the band’s rise also.
Video shot on Anna Maria Island on Florida’s Gulf Coast. It was shot at various locations on the island, including periwinkle Plaza in Anna Maria, Silver Surf Resort in Bradenton Beach and the Star Fish Company in Cortez. Video stars some local people; girl played by Alanna Massey, FL Parrish from nearby, and little brother is William Bernet who lived across the street from Corky and Brenda Parker house whose home was featured as the home of the girl in the video. [3]
[Edit] Chart performance

“Second Chance” is, by far, Shinedown’s biggest hits to date. He has reached # 1 on the Billboard Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks, Hot Modern Rock Tracks, and Hot Adult Top 40 Tracks chart (their first # 1 on this chart), so the first song the band up a few charts.Only a third track on the third graph, the other two are “One Headlight” by The Wallflowers, and “Boulevard of Broken Dreams” by Green Day. On the Billboard Hot 100, it peaked at # 7, so not only their first top-40 single to date (2005’s “I Dare You” from the album before they Us And They are pop their first single), but also on their first -10 single. This is also the debut single on the Hot Adult Contemporary Tracks chart, debuting at # 29. On the Mainstream Top 40 radio, the song has done very well for a rock song, culminating in the big three is on # 3. This is their first charting single in the Canadian Hot 100 as well, so far peaked at # 32.
Overall, the “Second Chance” Shinedown is the third single to top the Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks chart, after spending 10 weeks at # 1 from 27 December 2008. On the Hot Modern Rock Tracks chart, it was their first # 1 single, after spending three weeks non-consecutive in the # 1 starting February 14, 2009.
On March 29, 2009, “Second Chance” debuted at # 20 on VH1 Top 20 Countdown Video, becoming the first video they ever debut at the show, and on 16 May, “Second Chance” hit # 1; Brent & Barry, the guests on the show at that time, introduce yourself.He then # 1 for the second time on 20 June.
“Second Chance” is also the first song the band into the international charts, reaching # 19 so far in the Australian ARIA Charts, and # 32 in New Zealand RIANZ charts. It also charted at # 53 on the German Singles Chart. In Austria the song has reached the top twenty at # 13.
“Second Chance” is also famous for being the last song of the legendary disc jockey Casey Kasem played before signing off the air for the last time.
In addition to chart success, “Second Chance” has been certified Platinum by the RIAA – the first single to achieve anything. Shinedown certification [4]
“Second Chance” has since been certified 2x platinum by the RIAA|id&u=

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ecoutez – believe me

Ecoutez! is a band that originated from Indonesia based in Tebet, South Jakarta. Music group formed in 2005 consists of Delia (vocals), Jay (Drums), Ayi (Guitar), Leo (Bass),and Iyas (Keyboard).
Early formed
In 2005 after Tompi, Bibus and Amar decided to leave the ASA (Art Soul andAttitude)-Tompi solo careers, Amar to Maliq & D’Essentials, Bibus to The Groovology[1] -3 members who are still living namely Ayi, Jay and Leo decided to continue theband, they held auditions where they found Delia and Iyas. Then on November 1, 2005,Ecoutez! form produced by Levi (The Fly).
[edit] Ekute
On June 15, 2006, Ecoutez! Their debut album is Ekute which means languagepronunciation of the name of their band. Their first single is Save Only which was soonfollowed by their second single and their third single Trust Appoints One Star.
In December 2008, Ecoutez! released their second album that is POSITIVE with Singlemainstay Are You Really the One. Albums under the umbrella label of Universal MusicIndonesia who worked in the studio 18 is supposed to be released in 2007, but due totechnical errors where the computer’s hard disk data storage record broken, they shouldpostpone this album release schedule.

September 2005

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Ecoutez is a band that was formed in mid 2002 with the name of the ASA (Art Soul andAttitude) with personnel, Tompi on vocals, Arya on guitar, Leo on bass, Bibus onkeyboard, trumpet and Jay Amar in as drummer.

Had some time because the vacuum left by some of its personnel as Tompi who choosesolo career, Amar joined Maliq & D’Essentials, and Bibus join now Groovology Groovirenamed.

August 2005, a position filled by Delia Septianti vocalist who is also the artist’s patron,while the position is filled by Widyo Prastowo keyboard.

Ecoutez that carries the name of pop music ballad was first used in September 2005 which originated from the French meaning “Listen!”.

Ecoutez EKUTE first album released on June 1, 2006 under the label AlfaRecords withsingles mainstay Store Only, Believe, and Appoint One Star had become a top requestat radio-radio Indonesia.

In 2008, Ecoutez POSITIVE released his second album under the label of UniversalMusic Indonesia. On her second album, Ecoutez sponsor song Are You Really TheOne? as the first hit. The difference is obvious on this album, the kind of music Ecoutezslightly shifted, more toward jazz.

March 2009, Ecoutez fans can watch their performances in the biggest annual festival of jazz, the Java Jazz 2009. Ecoutez itself has performed regularly at Java Jazz eventsince 2007.

Currently Ecoutez promo too busy preparing material for their third album. They promisea different feel on the new album, though of course still leaves the typical ceiri Ecoutez.

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